Saturday, October 27, 2012

Montana Folk Festival - Message & Big Thanks from Sensei

コンサートツアーの経験の少ないメンバーとライジングスターで構成されたNew Teamで参加したMontana Folk Festival。多少の不安はあったが、道場伝統のスピリットとチームワークで頑張り全てのコンサートでスタンディングオベーションだった。

スポーケンとローカル モンタナ太鼓グループが大切な太鼓を貸してくれたおかげで、演奏活動がスムーズに運び、大成功の一因であった事に感謝です。食事を共にしたり、ワークショップで新しいグループとパイオニアのグループが交流出来た事は何よりの幸せ。このFutureグループは音楽のセンスが素晴らしく伝統打法の基本をもう少し練習すれば、良いグループになると信じます。あまりにも短時間であったため、"Tanaka Magic"が発揮出来なかったのが残念。

48人乗りのAir PlaneでPerforming Tourは初めての経験で驚きましたが、同乗でコンサートに向かったHawaiian Music GroupがSouth SFのNeighborであった事はもっと驚きでした。洗練されたプロの演技が素晴らしかったのは当然として、彼らがなんと優しく親切な人たちであった事か。若い道場メンバーを励ましてくれた事はとてもありがたい事であった。 帰りのAirportでは、Familyに不幸が発覚した道場のメンバーのために、リーダーがギターを弾きながら朗々と歌ってくれた。哀愁をおびた歌は、その場の人々の涙をさそい忘れがたいものでした。



芸術監督 田中誠一

We participated in the Montana Folk Festival with a new team consisting of members who were less experienced in concert tours and the Rising Stars. I had some anxiety, but everyone worked hard. With the traditional dojo spirit and teamwork, we had standing ovations at all three shows.

I would like to honor the huge success of the festival thanks to the organizers' smooth operations.

Because Spokane Taiko and Montana Taiko, who graciously lent us their important drums, all our shows went smoothly. This was a big part of the success. The things that made me happy the most were the times we ate together and the music exchange between the new and pioneer Taiko groups through a workshop. These new groups have beautiful music sense. With a little bit more practice in traditional taiko drumming, I believe they will flourish to be  better groups. Since we had such limited time there, I regret that I couldn't bring "Tanaka Magic" to them.

It was my first time - and a surprise to me - to go on a tour in a 48-passenger plane. But it was more surprising to find out that the Hawaiian Music Group who we shared the plane ride with is a neighbor to us in South San Francisco (our practice studio is located in South San Francisco). Of course their sophisticated music was amazing; what touched me was the fact that they are such kind and friendly people. I was grateful because they encouraged our young dojo members.

On the way back home at the airport, the leader of the Hawaiian group played and sang a song sonorously and beautifully for one of our members who found out about a loss of his family member. The melancholy song brought tears to some of us and I will not forget this easily.

We were fortunate to have had so much support from so many people, and because of it, we were able to conclude this concert tour with much success.

Many thanks.

Artistic Director,
Seiichi Tanaka

(Translated by Hiroki Takeshita)

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